What Is Home? | Mosab Abu Toha
November 21, 2023
Published with LitHub
Jana Ghalayini, “Self-Portrait,” 2020
Palestinian poet Mosab Abu Toha was detained in a mass arrest by the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) on the morning of November 20, 2023. He was at a checkpoint in Gaza traveling south toward the Rafah border with his wife and children. We join the chorus of organizations and independent voices demanding his freedom and safe return. UPDATE Nov 21 10:30AM: Word from both David Remnick and Diana Buttu suggest that Abu Toha was beaten and interrogated, along with 200 others, and then released by the IDF. He is now receiving medical treatment and is with his family.
On October 29, 2023, Abu Toha posted an Instagram video of his family home, now flattened and reduced to rubble, in Beit Lahiya, North Gaza. “That used to be my house,” he says, looking over his shoulder. “There is nothing, there is nothing over there. Not my books. Not my heirlooms. Not the kitchen. Nothing.”
Later that day, Abu Toha posted a screenshot of the poem “What Is Home?” from his debut poetry collection Things You May Find Hidden In My Ear published last year by City Lights. In the caption to the poem, he asks:
“Please save this poem, recite to the people around you and tell them what happened to my home, and the homes of so many other people? Tell them some families were buried under the rubble?”
Writers from around the world have come together to translate “What Is Home?” to allow as many people as possible to save it and recite it.
– The editors, O BOD and Lit Hub
What Is Home?
by Mosab Abu Toha
What is home:
It is the shade of trees on my way to school before they were uprooted.
It is my grandparents’ black-and-white wedding photo before the walls crumbled.
It is my uncle’s prayer rug, where dozens of ants slept on wintry nights, before it was looted and put in a museum.
It is the oven my mother used to bake bread and roast chicken before a bomb reduced our house to ashes.
It is the café where I watched football matches and played –
My child stops me: Can a four-letter word hold all of these?
French – Abdellah Taïa
C’est quoi chez moi?
C’est quoi chez moi:
C’est l’ombre des arbres sur le chemin de mon école avant qu’on ne les déracine.
C’est la photo de mariage de mes grands-parents en noir et blanc avant que les murs ne tombent en miettes.
C’est le tapis de prière de mon oncle, sur lequel les fourmis dormaient en hiver, avant qu’il ne soit volé pour être exposé dans un musée.
C’est le four que ma mère utilisait pour cuir le pain et rôtir le poulet avant qu’une bombe ne réduise notre maison en cendres.
C’est le café où j’ai regardé des matches de football et joué –
Mon fils m’arrête: Deux mots de sept lettres peuvent-ils contenir tout cela?
Arabic – Norah Alkharashi
هو ظِلُّ الأشجارِ في طريقي إلى المدرسةِ قبل أن تُقتلع.
وهو صورةٌ بالأبيضِ والأسودِ لزفاف جدي وجدتي على الجدار قبل أن يُهدم.
وهو سجادةُ عمي للصلاة تحتها نامت عشرات النملات في ليالي الشتاء، قبل أن تُنهب وتُوضع في متحف.
وهو الفرنٌ تستخدمه أمي لِصُنع الخبز وشوي الدجاج قبل أن يَتَرمّد بيتنا من قنبلة.
وهو المقهى حيثُ أشاهد مباريات كرة القدم وألعب ال...
يقاطعني طفلي: هل يمكن لكلمة من أربعة أحرف أن تَتسع لكل هذا؟
Farsi – Ghazaleh Avarzamani
خانه چيست؟
خانه چيست:
سايه ى درختان بر روى زمين در راه مدرسه است ، قبل از آن كه از ريشه در بيايند.
عكسهاى سياه و سفيد عروسي پدربزرگ بر روى ديوار است قبل از آن كه ديوار فرو ريزد.
سجاده ى پهن عمو است كه در شب زمستان خانه موچه ها شده است، قبل از آن كه دزديده شود و در يك موزه به نمايش درآيد.
اجاق مادرم است كه در آن نان ميپخت و مرغ كباب ميكرد، قبل از انكه خانه خاكستر شود.
قهوه خانه ايست كه من در آن فوتبال تماشا مي كردم …
فرزندم صحيتم را قطع كرد: آيا اين چهار لغت گنجايش همه ى اينها را دارد؟
Yiddish – Moriel Rothman-Zecher
וואָס איז דאָס, אַ היים?
וואָס איז דאָס, אַ היים:
ס׳איז דער שאָטן פון די ביימער אויף מײַן וועג צו דער שולע, אײדער די ביימער זײַנען אויסגעוווּרצלט.
ס׳איז מײַן באָבעזיידעס חתונה־בילד אין שוואַרץ און ווײַס, איידער די װענט זײַנען זיך צעפאַלן.
ס׳איז מײַן פעטערס תּפילה־טעפּעך, ווו מנינים מוראַשקעס זײַנען װינטיקע נעכט געשלאָפן, איידער ער איז באַראַבעװעט געװאָרן און מ׳האָט אים געשטעלן אין אַ מוזיי.
ס׳איז דער אויוון אין דעם מײַן מאַמע פֿלעגט באַקן ברויט און בראָטן ס׳עופות איידער אַ באָמבע האָט צעשטױבט אונדזער הויז אין אַש.
ס׳איז די קאַוועהויז וווּ איך האָב געקוקט אויף מאַטשן פוסבאַל און כ׳האָב געשפּילט —
מײַן קינד שטעלט מיך אָפּ: קען אַ וואָרט פון פיר אותיות אַנטהאַלטן דאָס אַלץ?
Hebrew – Moriel Rothman-Zecher
מה זה בית?
מה זה בית:
זה צל העצים בדרכי לבית הספר, לפני שנעקרו.
זה תמונת החתונה בשחור-לבן של הסבים שלי לפני שהקירים התפוררו.
זה שטיח התפילה של דודי, היכן שעשרות נמלים ישנו בלילות חורפיים, לפני שהוא נבזז ונלקח למוזיאון.
זה התנור שבו אמי אפתה לחם וצלתה עוף לפני שפצצה הפכה את ביתינו לעפר.
זה בית הקפה שבו צפיתי במשחקי כדורגל ושחתקי—
בתי עוצרת אותי: איך מילה בת שלוש אותיות יכולה להכיל את כל זה?
Cree – Randy Morin
kîkway anima mîkiwâm?
kîkway anima mîkiwâm:
êyakwa anima akawâstêhk mistikwak isi kânitawi kiskinwahamâsoyân pwâmayisk kâwâtihkâtiht
êyakwa anima nohkom êkwa nimosômi kaskatêwaw êkwa wâpiskâw kihci wîkihtowin masinahipayicikan pwamayisk napakihtikwa pahkihtiki.
êyakwa anima nohcâwês kâkîsimowin ânâskân, êta mihcêyit îyikosak kânipâcik pipon tipiskâwa pwâmayisk ê-misi kimotihk êkwa kayâsi kanawêyicikaniwikamikwa ê-astâhk.
êyakwa anima kotawânâpisk nikâwiy kâpihkiswât pihkisikana êkwa sîpâpisikinât pâpahahkwâna pwâmayisk niwâskahikanân ê-pahkisikâtêk.
êyakwa anima pihkahtêwâpoyi wikamik êta kâkinwâpahtamân pakahtawân môniyohtowina êkwa mêtawiyân.
niciwâsimis ninakinik, anima nêwo itwêwis nicimikêyimikan kahkiyaw ôhi?
Irish – Liam Lonergan
Cad is baile ann?
Cad is baile ann:
‘Sé scáth na gcrann ar mo bhealach ‘na bhaile é sular leagadh iad
‘Sé pictiúr bainise dubh agus bán mo sheanthuismitheoirí é sular scriosadh na ballaí
‘Sé ruga urnaí m’uncail é, ina ndeachaigh na scórtha cuileog a luí oícheanta geimhridh, sular goideadh agus cuireadh i músaem é
‘Sé an t-oigheann é a d’úsáideadh mo mhathair le harán a bhácáil agus sicín a róstadh, sular rinne buama fothrach luaithreach dár teach
‘Sé an caifé é ina mbínn ag breathnú ar chluichí peile ‘s ag súgradh –
Stopann mó pháiste mé: an féidir le focal cúig-litreach iad seo uilig a choinneáil?
Basque – Beñat Sarasola Santamaria
Zer da etxea?
Zera da etxea:
Nire eskola-bideko zuhaitzen itzala, beren zuztarretik atera aurretik
Nire aitona-amonen zuri-beltzezko ezkonargazkia harresiak eraitsi aurretik
Nire osabaren otoitz-tapiza, non dozenaka txindurrik egiten zuten lo negu-gauetan, ebatsi eta museo batean jarri aurretik
Nire amak ogia egiteko eta oilaskoa erretzeko erabiltzen zuen labea bonba batek gure etxea erraustu aurretik
Kafetegi hura, non futbol partidak ikusten nituen, eta jokoan aritzen…
Nire haurrak gerarazi nau: Gorde al dezake hori guztia bost hizkiko hitz batek?
Catalan by Pichi Demestres Larín
Que es casa?
Que es casa:
És l’ombra dels arbels abans l’haver estat desarralts
És la foto en blanc i negre del casament del meu avi abans de que parets s’esmicolessin
És la catifa de pregària del meu oncle on dotzenes de formigues dormien les nit d’hivern abans d’esser saquejada i portada a un meseu
És la forn on la mare deia pa i rostia el pollastre abans de que una bomba va reduir la nostra casa a cendres
És la cafetería on mirava el fútbol i jugaba
El meu nen m’autura: poden quatre paraules aguantar això
Spanish – Sarah Rubbins-Breen and Georgia Phillips-Amos
¿Que es un hogar?
Es la sombra de los árboles en el camino hacia la escuela antes de que fueron desarraigados.
Es la foto en blanco y negro de la boda de mis abuelos antes de que las paredes se derrumbaran.
Es la alfombra de oración de mi tío, en la que dormían docenas de hormigas durante noches invernales, antes de que fuera saqueada y metida en un museo.
Es el horno en el que mi madre hacía el pan y asaba el pollo antes de que una bomba redujera nuestra casa a cenizas.
Es el café en el que veía partidos de fútbol y jugaba—
Mi niño me para: ¿Una palabra de cinco letras puede sostener todo eso?
Italian – Ayana Fabris
Cosa è casa?
Casa è
L'ombra degli alberi sulla via per la scuola prima che fossero sradicati.
La foto in bianco e nero del matrimonio dei miei nonni prima che i muri crollassero.
Il tappetino da preghiera di mio zio, dove hanno dormito dozzine di formiche nelle notti invernali, prima che fosse saccheggiato e messo in un museo.
Il forno di mia madre nel quale soleva fare il pane e arrostire il pollo , prima che una bomba riducesse casa nostra in polvere.
Il bar dove guardavo le partite di football e giocavo –
Mio figlio mi ferma: Può davvero una parola di quattro lettere racchiudere tutto ciò?
Portuguese by Eric M. B. Becker and Marília Garcia
O que é uma casa?
O que é uma casa:
é a sombra das árvores no caminho da escola antes de serem arrancadas pela raiz.
É a foto em preto e branco do casamento dos meus avós antes de as paredes desmoronarem.
É a esteira de rezar do meu tio, onde dezenas de formigas dormiam nas noites de inverno, antes de ela ser saqueada e colocada num museu.
É o forno que minha mãe usava para assar pão e frango antes de uma bomba reduzir nossa moradia a cinzas.
É o café onde eu assistia jogos de futebol e brincava —
Meu filho me interrompe: Quatro letras podem abarcar tudo isso?
Dutch – Evelien Klijweg
Wat is thuis?
Wat is thuis:
Het is de schaduw van de bomen op mijn weg naar school voordat ze ontworteld werden.
Het is de zwart-witte trouwfoto van mijn grootouders voordat de muren afbrokkelden.
Het is het gebedskleed van mijn oom, waarop tijdens winterse nachten tientallen mieren sliepen, voordat het geplunderd werd en in een museum terecht kwam.
Het is de oven die mijn moeder gebruikte om brood te bakken en kip te braden voordat een bom ons huis tot as reduceerde.
Het is het café waar ik naar voetbal wedstrijden keek en speelde –
Mijn kind onderbreekt me: kan een woord met vijf letters dit allemaal omvatten?
German – Alex Piasente Szymański
Was ist heimat?
Was ist heimat:
Es ist der Schatten der Bäume auf meinem Schulweg, bevor man sie entwurzelte.
Es ist das Hochzeitsfoto meiner Großeltern in schwarz-weiß, bevor die Wände zerbröckelten.
Es ist der Gebetsteppich meines Onkels, auf dem hunderte Ameisen in Winternächten zur Ruhe kamen, bevor man diesen raubte und in ein Museum hängte.
Es ist der Ofen meiner Mutter, in dem sie Brot und Brathähnchen bakte, bevor eine Bombe unser Haus zu Asche verwandelte.Es ist das Café, in welchem ich Fußball schaute und spielte –
Mein Kind hält mich an: Kann ein Wort aus 6 Buchstaben all das tragen?
Russian – Kirill Medvedev
Что такое дом?
Что такое дом:
Это тень деревьев по дороге в школу, пока их не выдрало с корнем.
Это черно-белое свадебное фото бабушки с дедушкой, пока стены не рассыпались.
Это дядькин молитвенный коврик, на котором холодными ночами спали кучками муравьи, пока его не стащили и не сдали в музей.
Это печь, в котором мама пекла хлеб и жарила цыплят, пока бомба не превратила наш дом в золу.
Это кафе, в котором я смотрел футбольные матчи и играл в...
Мой ребенок прерывает меня: Разве может слово из трех букв вместить все это?
Georgian – Ekaterine Gejadze
რა არის სახლი?
სახლი არის:
იმ ხეების ჩრდილი, რომელიც მაცილებდა სკოლის გზაზე, სანამ ფესვებიანად არ ამოძირკვავდნენ.
კედელზე დაკიდებული ბებია-ბაბუის შავ-თეთრი საქორწილო ფოტო, სანამ კედელები არ დასკდებოდა.
ბიძაჩემის ის სალოცავი ფარდაგი, სადაც ათობით ჭიანჭველა იზამთრებდა, სანამ მოიპარავდნენ და მუზეუმის ექსპონანტად აქცევდნენ.
ის ღუმელი, რომლითაც დედაჩემი აცხობდა პურს და წვავდა წიწილას, სანამ სახლს ბომბი არ დაეცემოდა.
ის კაფე, სადაც ფეხბურთს ვუყურებდი და ვლაღონდი.
ჩემი ბავშვი მაჩერებს: შეუძლია კი ამ ერთ სიტყვას ამდენი რამის დატევა?
Afrikaans – Zalia Frösler
Wat is n Tuiste?
Wat is n Tuiste
Dit is die skaduwees van bome op my pad na die skool voor dit verwyder was.
Dit is my grootouers se swart en wit troufoto voor die mure van die huis verkrummel het.
Dit is my oom se gebedsmat, waar dosyne miere op ongure nagte opgeslaap het, voor dit gesteel en in n museum geplaas was.
Dit is my ma se oond waar sy brood gebak het en hoender gebraai het voor die bom ons huis in n ashoop verander het.
Dit is die kafee waar ek voetbal wedstryde gekyk het en speel –
My kind verhoed my: Kan dit alles in a ses letter woord gehou word?
Chinese – Yao Xiao
Vietnamese – Nguyễn Phan Quế Mai
Nhà là gì:
Là bóng cây trên đường tôi đến trường trước khi chúng bị bứng gốc
Là tấm ảnh cưới đen trắng của ông bà tôi trước khi những bức tường đổ sụp
Là tấm thảm cầu nguyện của chú tôi, nơi những đàn kiến ngủ say trong những đêm lạnh giá trước khi tấm thảm đó bị cướp đi rồi bị đưa vào bảo tàng
Là chiếc lò nơi mẹ tôi nướng bánh mì, nướng gà trước khi một quả bom biến tổ ấm của tôi thành tro bụi
Là tiệm cà phê nơi tôi xem bóng đá và chơi…
Con tôi ngắt lời tôi: cha ơi, làm sao một từ ba chữ cái có thể bao hàm được tất cả những điều trên?
Japanese – Yusuke Okada
そこで わたしの子が呟く
Greek – Lakis Fourouklas
Τι είναι ένα σπιτικό
είναι η σκιά των δέντρων στην πορεία μου για το σχολείο προτού αυτά ξεριζωθούν.
Είναι η ασπρόμαυρη γαμήλια φωτογραφία της γιαγιάς και του παππού μου προτού οι τοίχοι καταρρεύσουν.
Είναι το χαλί προσευχής του θείου μου, πάνω στο οποίο χιλιάδες μυρμήγκια κοιμόντουσαν τις νύχτες του χειμώνα, προτού λεηλατηθεί και τοποθετηθεί σ' ένα μουσείο.
Είναι ο φούρνος όπου η μάνα μου έψηνε ψωμί και κοτόπουλο, προτού μια βόμβα μετατρέψει το σπίτι μας σε στάχτες κι αποκαΐδια.
Είναι η καφετέρια όπου παρακολουθούσα αγώνες ποδοσφαίρου και έπαιζα...
Το παιδί μου με σταματά: Χωράνε μέσα σε μια λέξη όλ' αυτά;
Punjabi – Taranpreet Takhar
ਘਰ ਕੀ ਹੈ?
ਘਰ ਕਿ ਹੈ:
ਇਹ ਮੇਰੇ ਸਕੂਲ ਜਾਣ ਦੇ ਰਸਤੇ ਤੇ ਰੁੱਖਾਂ ਦੀ ਛਾਂ ਹੈ, ਇਸ ਤੌਂ ਪਹਿਲਾਂ ਉਹ ਪੁੱਟੇ ਗਏ|
ਇਹ ਕੰਧਾਂ ਢਹਿਣ ਤੌਂ ਪਹਿਲਾ ਮੇਰੇ ਦਾਦਾ-ਦਾਦੀ ਦੇ ਵਿਆਹ ਦੀ ਕਾਲੀ ਚਿੱਟੀ ਤਸਵੀਰ ਹੈ|
ਇਹ ਮੇਰੇ ਚਾਚੇ ਦਾ ਮਸੱਲਾ ਹੈ, ਜਿਥੇ ਦਰਜਨਾਂ ਕੀੜੀਆਂ ਸਰਦੀਆਂ ਦੀਆਂ ਰਾਤਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਸੋਂਦੀਆਂ ਸਨ, ਇਸ ਤੌਂ ਪਹਿਲਾਂ ਇਸਨੂੰ ਲੁੱਟਿਆ ਗਯਾ ਅਤੇ ਇਕ ਅਜਾਇਬ ਘਰ ਵਿੱਚ ਰੱਖਿਆ ਗਯਾ|
ਇਹ ਉਹ ਚੁੱਲ੍ਹਾ ਹੈ ਜਿਥੇ ਮੇਰੀ ਮਾਂ ਰੋਟੀ ਅਤੇ ਮੁਰਗਾ ਬਣਾਉਂਦੀ ਸੀ, ਇਸ ਤੌਂ ਪਹਿਲਾ ਇਕ ਬੰਬ ਨਾਲ ਓਹਨੂੰ ਸੁਆਹ ਕਰਤਾ|
ਇਹ ਉਹ ਢਾਬਾ ਹੈ ਜਿਥੇ ਮੈਂ ਫੁੱਟਬਾਲ ਮੁਕਾਬਲੇ ਦੇਖੇ ਅਤੇ ਖੇਡੇ –
ਮੇਰਾ ਬੱਚਾ ਮੈਨੂੰ ਰੋਕਦਾ ਹੈ: ਕਿ ਦੋ ਅਖਰਾਂ ਵਾਲਾ ਸ਼ਬਦ ਇਹ ਸਬ ਸਮਾ ਸਕਦਾ ਹੈ?
Permissions: “What is Home?” from Things You May Find Hidden In My Ear. Copyright © 2022 by Mosab Abu Toha. Reprinted with the permission of City Lights Books.
Mosab Abu Toha is a Palestinian poet, scholar, and librarian from Gaza. He is founder of the Edward Said Library, Gaza’s first English-language library. From 2019–20, he was a visiting poet and librarian-in-residence at Harvard University, and in 2023 he received his MFA from Syracuse University. Abu Toha’s debut poetry collection Things You May Find Hidden In My Ear was published by City Lights in 2022 and is winner of the American Book Award, the Palestinian Book Award, and the Derek Walcott Poetry Prize, and a finalist of the National Book Critics Circle Award for Poetry. @mosab_abutoha
Jana Ghalayini is a Palestinian-Canadian visual artist based in Tkaronto (Toronto), Canada. She received a BFA in Printmaking from OCAD University in 2017. janaghalayini.com
Abdellah Taïa is a world renowned novelist and filmmaker who writes in French and has published eight books, including Le jour de roi (Le Seuil, 2010), which was awarded the French Prix de Flore. An adaptation of his novel L'Armée du salut (Le Seuil, 2006), was released as a feature film in 2014. Taia has lived in Paris since 1998 and was born in Rabat, Morocco, in 1973.
Norah Alkharashi is an academic, literary translator, and cultural practitioner. @norahmodi
Ghazaleh Avarzamani is an artist from Tehran, Iran, who currently lives and works between Toronto and Margate, UK. She works primarily in sculpture and installation and is interested in how institutional structures and educational methodologies shape psycho-social constructions of knowledge. Avarzamani uses her practice as a way to question dominant power structures. ghazalehavarzamani.com
Moriel Rothman-Zecher is a Jerusalem-born novelist and poet. He lives in Philadelphia. Rothman-Zecher thanks Rob Adler Peckerar and Uri Agnon for assistance with the Yiddish and Hebrew translations, respectively.
Randy Morin is a Cree language keeper and a traditional Indigenous Knowledge keeper. Randy works with Universities, teaching Indigenous Studies and Indigenous language revitalization.
Liam Lonergan is a musician and Irish language speaker from Dublin.
Beñat Sarasola Santamaría is a writer in Basque. He has published two poetry books and a novel. He also translated Philip Roth's Nemesis into Basque and was the editor of Munduko Poesia Kaierak's poetry collection.
Pichi Demestres Larín holds a degree in information sciences and has worked in communications across various platforms and in different countries. She currently lives in Barcelona where she works for a media publishing company.
Sarah Rubbins-Breen is an educator, community organizer, and translator based in New Orleans.
Georgia Phillips-Amos is a writer, editor, and PhD Candidate at Concordia University in Montreal. She was raised between Spain and New York. She has previously translated Regina José Galindo and Joshua Okon from Spanish.
Ayana Fabris holds a MSc in Children's Rights and International Development, she is an educator and a former researcher at Istituto degli Innocenti and UNICEF.
Eric M. B. Becker is the translator of numerous works of fiction, poetry, and nonfiction from the Portuguese. A co-founder of the Pessoa Festival, he also works as digital director and senior editor at Words Without Borders. In 2021, he was a finalist for the PEN Translation Prize, and his work has also received support from the National Endowment for the Arts, Fulbright, and the PEN/Heim Translation Fund.
Marília Garcia is a Brazilian poet and translator, born in Rio de Janeiro in 1979. The author of several books, in 2018 she won the Oceanos Prize, an award for global Portuguese-language literature, for her collection Câmera lenta.
Evelien Klijweg is a mother of three with a Masters in Conflict Studies. She is from the Netherlands and is currently based in Belgium.
Alex Piasente Szymański is a Berlin-based artist, dramaturge, translator and audio-describer. Their work and research revolve around matters of body politics, their management and manipulation through economies of health and how these concerns fit into a wider world-historical frame. Through performance, choreography, sound and text they try to map the political potentials of "crippled", ill and debilitated bodies as sites of resistance against dominant neoliberal modes of living and working.
Kirill Medvedev is a poet, musician and political activist from Moscow, Russia. His books of poetry have been published in Serbia, Estonia, the US, England, and more. His essays have appeared in publications including The Guardian, Jacobin, New Left Review.
Ekaterine Gejadze is a gender studies researcher, grant-writer, and activist from Georgia. She advocates for feminist movement building and fights for freedom and justice.
Zalia Frösler is co-director of ZAG in Cape Town, South Africa. She is an opponent of apartheid in all its forms.
Yao Xiao is a writer and artist based in New York City. She is the author of graphic novel Everything Is Beautiful, And I’m Not Afraid (Andrews McMeel Publishing, 2020), a Lambda Literary Award Finalist. Her work has been published in The New Yorker, Los Angeles Times, Catapult, Lit Hub, and Autostraddle. She is working on a book of essays about becoming an artist as a first-generation immigrant from China.
Nguyễn Phan Quế Mai was born and raised in Việt Nam. She is author of the best-selling novels The Mountains Sing and Dust Child, Winner of the BookBrowse Best Debut Award, the International Book Awards, the PEN Oakland/Josephine Miles Literary Award, the Nota Bene Prize, the Rhegium Julii Award, the Lannan Literary Award Fellowship for Fiction, as well as Runner-up for the Dayton Literary Peace Prize. She has published twelve books of poetry, fiction, and non-fiction in Vietnamese and English and has received some of the top literary prizes in Việt Nam. Her writing has been translated into more than twenty languages.
Yusuke Okada is an artist from Tokyo, Japan, who currently lives and works in Queens, New York.
Lakis Fourouklas is a Cypriot writer and freelance translator. He has published 13 books in Greek and a novella in English. He currently lives in rural Cyprus.
Taranpreet Takhar is an emerging artist-writer. She is completing a BFA at York University in Toronto.